Article fashion jewelry

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She is the most important person in your life. Maybe she picks you up when you’re down
or is the mother of your children
or just cares for you unconditionally. Or maybe it’s a combination of all three. Whatever your reasons are
the truth is simple and undeniable – you are crazy about her. So why not express your love with an unbreakable diamond ring? We all know that nothing melts a woman’s heart like diamonds
but the ring you select has to be a fit to her personality and style. In this article
we’ll give you some simple tips on making sure the diamond ring you give is one that takes her breath away.

The most important (and overlooked) aspect when it comes to selecting an unbreakable diamond ring is to keep your sweetheart’s tastes in mind. Many guys want to impress their woman by “picking it out themselves”. This often leads to a scenario where she “happily” accepts the ring. She may actually be thinking that she hates it
but will feel compelled to wear it because you picked it out with love. This is one situation you definitely want to avoid – and it is so easy to do

By keeping her in mind and paying attention to her preferences
you will express your love with an unbreakable diamond ring that she will adore. For example
watch her the next time a jewelry ad comes on TV or the next time you pass a jewelry store window. Pay close attention to her reactions to certain pieces
even those being worn by other people. Make a casual comment such as “Boy
that sure looks nice” and see what kind of response it gets. Women love to give “subtle” clues when it comes to diamond rings. Unfortunately
men don’t always pick up on them.

It is also important for you to take stock of the rings she currently wears. And we’re not talking her grandmother’s antique ring that she only wears on special occasions. You want to be taking note of the diamond rings she wears on a regular basis
as these pieces will be your guide to the diamond ring you select. She wouldn’t wear something all of the time if she didn’t like it
right? So
pay close attention to the style of diamond she prefers as well as the choice of metal (white gold
yellow gold

One last key piece of information and you’ll be ready to buy. It is helpful
but not necessary
if you can somehow find out her ring size. While she is at work or running errands
you could simply take one of her rings to the jeweler and voila! – you now have that mystery solved.

These tips will help you express your love with an unbreakable diamond ring that is sure to elicit a major reaction on her end. Remember
you don’t want to be the guy who just “picked it out themselves”. You want to be the guy that picked it out perfectly.
