Article fashion jewelry

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It is said that the true worth of a diamond is determined by its clarity
carat and color. Generally
people evaluate the worth of their money by diamond’s color and size but they are really na๏ve about its cut. In fact
the cut of a diamond is a major factor in establishing its price.

The cut in a diamond is really important as a small mistake in cut can ruin the whole piece so
it should be done intelligently and carefully that enhances the look and beauty of the piece. Therefore
it totally depends upon the expertise and magic of cutter’s hand in shaping up the raw stone into the refined glittering gem that lays its impact on its wearer for forever.

Diamonds are available in different shapes such as round
emerald pieces and radiant that distinguishes diamonds according to its varieties. So
it’s really tough for a cutter to bring a life in diamond from a dull stone to a dazzling sparkling gem that is cherished by its wearers. For making a diamond alive certain principles have to be keeping in mind
let’s know them in brief:

Depth of a diamond is important in giving an accurate angle to the raw piece that further divert the internal lights of the stone from upside
sides and corners. If it is done poorly
the radiance of the diamond gets lost and restricts its real glow and charm so
the depth is always considered sharply.

Symmetry refers to perfect alignment of diamond’s facets; it satisfies the eye and enhances the brilliance and glow of the diamond. A diamond will look dull and when done improperly and misaligned.

Polish means smoothness of the surface of the diamond that brings real glow in the diamond. With the invention of new techniques of polish
it has become very easy to bring out the glitter of the piece and refinement as lights easily enters into it and passes easily and effortlessly.

a true diamond is not only based on its clarity
weight and color but its cut is also a major factor in deciding its brilliance and shine that people just ignore while buying. For us
its brilliance and glow is the reasons for its high cost that takes our heart easily. But
it’s the fact that the radiance of the diamond depends highly on its cut.
