Article fashion jewelry

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Congratulations! You have decided to take the plunge and ask your sweetheart to marry you. You have been saving for months and you’re finally ready to decide on a ring. But how can you make sure that you are actually getting a ring that is worthy of your future bride? Breathe easy – in this article we’ll provide you with some simple tips for choosing the best diamond engagement ring.

First and foremost
it is important to make sure that you treat this purchase like the investment it is. Think about it; this ring will always represent the beginning of your lives together
and you want it to reflect the importance of that. With that being said
make sure you first save enough money to buy a proper ring. Now
we’re not suggesting the ring you buy has to break the bank
as we all have different budgets. What we are suggesting
is to make sure you have the money put aside so that you aren’t forced into getting something less than you (and she) will want

so you are ready to start looking at rings. What is the first thing that should cross your mind when you begin this process? Time’s up - if you said your sweetheart
you win the prize! By knowing her likes and dislikes
you will be well equipped to start narrowing down the vast amount of choices. Does she like yellow gold or white gold? Does she tend to wear loud jewelry
or does she prefer an understated style? By paying attention to her jewelry habits in the weeks and months before your ring adventure
you will have a better idea as to what you are looking for

The next step is to enlist the help of her family or friends. Now
this can often be a delicate situation
as it is often hard for people to keep a secret. But if there is one person who A) knows her really well and B) doesn’t have a big mouth
this is the person you need to be talking to. They will be able to provide with you some tips that you may not have considered

let’s move on to the ring itself. You have no doubt heard of the 4 C’s of a diamond ring (cut
and carat)
but which C do you think should be your biggest concern? Without a doubt
it is the cut of the diamond. By choosing the right cut for her style
you will ensure that she absolutely loves the ring. How can you do this? Simply use your keen eye sight (or the help of a jeweler’s magnifier) to closely examine the diamond. If a cutter did a proper job
the diamond will reflect and sparkle from a multitude of angles. When looking at a great diamond
you will never find a dull area

it is also important for you to pick the proper shaped diamond for your bride-to-be. Again
you should have a pretty good idea of her likes and dislikes (based on comments she may have made
or current jewelry tastes). Not all diamonds are created round – she may prefer oval or square. Pay close attention to her and this preference should be apparent!

Choosing the best diamond engagement ring for the woman in your life doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact
it will seem downright easy compared to your next step – popping the question! Sorry
we don’t have any help for you there. Good luck
and we wish you all the best in your upcoming wedding!
