Article fashion jewelry

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The Gucci watch has constantly evolved and re-designed to meet the demands and needs of the ever changing client needs. Despite all the changes
the Gucci watch brand has always been of a consistent quality
aesthetic and classic design and of rime demand. The simple lines of a Gucci watch make it suitable to complement any outfit. Genuine and precise Swiss movement
modernistic and elegant design along with the tradition of quality gives a Gucci watch its appeal. In the replica watches industry
the Gucci replica watch models have evolved along with the original Gucci watch to keep up the tradition.
Although a Gucci watch has a few unnecessary but attractive features and elements
it presents the elegance that attracts attention without being flashy. Gucci
founded in the 1920s
has always followed the tradition of old-world craftsmanship that makes it stand out in a crowd. These elements of a Gucci watch pose certain problems to the Gucci replica watch makers
in producing a perfect replica
and hence commands more price in the market in comparison to other replica watch models.
A genuine Gucci watch reflects a modern attitude of accuracy
clarity and restraint. The design of a Gucci watch makes it ideal to be worn with any kind of clothes
traditional and modern
formal or casual. The designs enclosed in stainless steel cases (most models) express style
delicacy and simplicity makes them ideal to a femme fatale's wardrobe and lend anew definition to a man's wardrobe. These elegant and timeless unique timekeepers have always appealed to the most stylish and successful and thus created a demand for them. This demand in turn
has in direct proportion
started an upward trend in the Gucci replica watch market and taken it to new heights.

A Gucci watch stands apart due to its elegant and classic round
rectangular and steel dials. They usually feature polished stainless steel set against black or cream colored background. Many models feature roman numerals or no numerals at all. These functional and timeless Gucci watches are in very high demand with people who understand style and elegance.

A Gucci watch replica can never replace the original. To fulfill one's ego and the “status symbol” needs
the Gucci watch replica goes a long way. If you could set aside the feeling of guilt that may arise out of buying a Gucci replica watch
since it would result in losses to the original manufacturer
put it aside as the cost of success and think about what you could save making this decision. For the on-the-success-route individuals
a replica watch can work wonders to enhance their status and goodwill at a fraction of the cost; the savings could be substantial and can be put to better use.

Let is suppose you are out shopping and come across a beautiful designer watch and feel like getting one for you. But
when you take a look at the price of these original designer watches
you may become hesitant of the high price since it does not match your budget. Well
you have a choice... you can buy a replica.

Most of the time
the main reason to buy a watch is because it looks great! One may say that people purchase a Gucci replica watch to show off and try to pretend to be of a class which they are not – absolutely wrong. In fact
many who purchase a Gucci watch replica never brag about their watches to be genuine. Most simply wear the watch and if a compliment comes their way
they are happy
if not
they normally do not go out of their way to highlight the issue.

Problems arise when they are fooled by a few replica manufacturers into a belief that they are purchasing the real Gucci watch and not the Gucci replica watch. Not only does this tantamount to an unethical practice
it is also unlawful. This is one reason to make sure that you buy your Gucci watch replica from a reputed and trusted provider. All the best.
read more “Gucci replica watches info”

Gucci was founded as a saddlery shop in 1906 by Guccio Gucci (1881)
a craftsman’s offspring. The house of Gucci was initially founded in Florence. Guccio Gucci had an excellent talent for leather craftsmanship. Gucci started by selling bags made of leather to horsemen in early 1920’s and graduated to making and selling leather luggage as the clients moved on from horses to cars. 1938 saw the opening of Gucci’s first retail outlet on Via Condotti in Rome.

1947 saw the beginning of the Gucci tradition taking shape in form of bamboo handled leather bag that became the Gucci icon. 1950’s saw the development of trademark red webbing
borrowed form the roots – the saddle girth. This turned out to be the emblem of Gucci after some time.

Early 1950’s saw many firsts for Gucci – luggage
handbags with bamboo handles and ties. Guccio Gucci died in 1953 leaving the business in the hands of his capable family who made sure the business grew leaps and bounds. Gucci opened new stores in London
Beverly Hills and Palm Beach. Gucci brand shot to fame due to its endorsement by Hollywood stars like Peter Sellers
Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn. The “Jackie O” with Jacqueline Kennedy and the Gucci handbag helped the brand “Gucci” rise to greater heights.

The recent past saw some turmoil in the Gucci family with the business changing hands. However
this was short lived and Gucci went back to its past glory with Tom Ford at the helm. The 199’s saw Gucci diversifying into new products like fashion
fashions and fashion accessories.

The ranges of Gucci watches introduced during this period were very unique and carried a style and statement of their own. Owing to rich history and brand value
the Gucci watches were made to perfection and taste. As branded fashion accessories
the price was set at a premium to cater to clients matching the Gucci portfolio.

Many people who know Gucci found that these watches were not affordable. Although their insatiable hunger for Gucci watches remained
they had to wait until replica watches came into vogue. Gucci replica watches are available today for a fraction of the cost of a real Gucci watch.

A Gucci replica watch is available with all features of a real Gucci watch and in exact proportions. They are fully functional and appeal to the taste of many. Even people
who can afford a real Gucci watch
tend to wear replica watches because they feel that such expensive accessories should not be exposed to the hardships of nature. Gucci watches are treasured by their owners and Gucci replica watches more so
since they are used for daily use.

Gucci replica watches are sold by many online stores
but they come as a part of many other replica watches sold from the same store. However
before you buy a replica watch
it is advised that you get to know more about the online stores from Replica watches. This site carries honest reviews on most online replica stores.
read more “Gucci replica Short history of the brand”

Green amber is a form of natural Baltic amber that has a very dark
rich green color. Amber of any color is formed from fossilized resin produced by pine trees
and most amber is between forty and sixty million years old. The green occurs when organic material from plants is trapped within the natural amber
giving the green color. The various chemical compositions and variations on the plant materials that became covered with the thick and sticky resin provide the variations and patterns in green amber.

The tones and shades of green will vary within the amber
and the unique rich colors will captivate the eye and draw attention to the beauty of the gem itself. Green amber is considered to be more valuable than the more common brown amber
but the most valuable and rarest of ambers is the clear and completely transparent amber.

Amber and legend

In many ancient traditions and religions
amber is seen to have a special place. The ancient Chinese defined amber as “tigers soul” and wearing amber was believed to give the wearer the strength and courage of a tiger. The ancient Greeks believed that amber represented the tears of Apollo’s daughters
and considered the gems to ward off evil spirits.

Due to the amber’s chemical composition
it first attracted mystics with its properties of transparency and the appearance of movement within the gem as the light hit from different directions. In addition amber would burn if heated in a fire
and this added to its qualities and uniqueness.

Amber jewelry has been found that dated to the Paleolithic area
around 12
B.C. Both the Celts and the Romans used amber as a rare commodity in trading. In the 1100’s Gdansk was the major center of amber production
and the Baltic area continues to be the largest producer of amber to this day.

Green amber in jewelry

The beautiful rich colors of green amber make it a natural match for both silver and gold jewelry. Green amber (like all amber)
while considered a gemstone
is one of the few gems that is not of mineral origin. The more colored and patterned the green amber is the more the jeweler can use these patterns to work into the setting of the gem. Green amber that also contains fossilized material is very rare and very valuable.

Green amber is a soft gem
and is very warm to both the touch and to wear. It is not cold against the skin like other gems
and amber collects and stores static electricity. Very lightweight
amber is an excellent gem for earrings as it adds little weight to the metal that it is set in.

Green amber is used in making bracelets
rings and all other forms of jewelry. Green amber is easily cared for with simple polishing or buffing to remove the slight scratches that may occur on the surface of this soft gem.
read more “Green Amber Jewelry - What is Green Amber”

Jewelry is said to be the most exciting and enthralling gift a women can ever get. Majority of the women population wear different and unique type of jewelry just to add an extra oomph to their personality. It has been seen that women have the passion of collecting all and every type of jewelry prevailing in the market. Sensing this passion or rather say obsession made Morris Gordon open the jewelry store naming Gordons Jewelry in 1916. First this store was opened in the partnership but after the end of World War 1 he took over the whole store and converted it into a family business. Seeing the super success of this store he opened a new store in Beaumont 1934 and in subsequent years he comprehensively spread the web of Gordon jewelry all over. From 1936 to 1950 he almost opened six stores in different states taking Gordon jewelry worldwide. And in no time he became the proud owner of nearly 300 stores making his wealth to $315
which brought him in the list of famous jewelry store owners.

In 1961 company went to become public and within 8 years they took over the Houston’s top rated company Star Engraving Company. This take over led to the net increase of $1 million in the sales and this was further increased to $10 millions in the span of 3 years. Gordon’s jewelry was very popular for its designs and crafting. Many people also said that they are the people who infuse life in to the dead jewelry and make it more expressible. Once tasting the success in jewelry they moved onto they graduated to next level and started producing watches and non-jewelry items. This made them pioneer of the jewelry and they conquered that height which was not even in the vicinity of many. Apart from designing and selling jewelry they also started giving management training to the new people so that new talent pops up in the market.

This step took them to the pinnacle height as at that time every single person studying in jewelry design wished to do training in Gordon’s office. This step also boosted the sales of their jewelry as new designs introduced by them simply took the jewelry market with the stride. And after so many years still Morris Gordon is remembered for its revolution he brought in the jewelry arena.
read more “Gordons Jewelry”

Adorning the body with gold is a sensual experience. Gold jewelry for body piercing is extremely popular today
a revival from a long history from the earliest humans on earth. Whether your interest in body piercing stems from the desire to be fashionable
as a status symbol or to heighten your sexual enjoyment
popular demand has increased the number of piercing studios and choices in gold body jewelry.

Today’s body piercing evolved from different cultures across the globe. This ancient art could well be the most widely practiced form of body adornment. It was also practiced by the Romans who saw nipple piercing as a sign of courage
in addition to using them to attach their cloaks. The Kama Sutra from classical India depicts scenes of genital piercing. We find evidence of ears
lips and hands being pierced in South America
Africa and Borneo.

Today body piercing artists have taken this heritage and combined it with modern hygiene and piercing techniques
creating new types of piercings such as the 'diath and rook' invented by Eric Dakota. The most notable change in the nature of body piercing came a few years ago when fashion world models strutted the catwalk with navel and eyebrow piercings
creating a new wave of general public interest. This opened up a new realm of possibilities for people and confirmed to those already in the know the wide extent of the practice.

Practical Guide to Body Piercing

When you decide to have any part of your body pierced
remember that this is more than fashion
it involves your health. It is wise to keep these points in mind:

  • The piercing studio should be registered
    check for the appropriate permits and certificates.

  • The person who performs your body piercing should wear gloves
    protective clothing
    hair covering and should wash their hands before they pierce you.

  • All instruments should be sterilized and all surfaces
    including the floor are smooth and wipe able.

  • Only disposable needles should be used
    with all dressings (gauze
    cotton pads) and gold body jewelry sterile packed.

Piercing Guns

The gold body jewelry used with ear piercing guns are not ideal for piercing for several reasons
first being that the guns cannot be sterilized because they are made of plastic and would melt in the sterilization unit. Second
they do not provide a clean
surgical cut
the jewelry is forced through the tissue
causing extensive trauma
because the ends are rounded
not sharp. Piercings done in this fashion are slow to heal and there is an increased risk of inflammation and/or infection.

After Care

Piercings done with the proper equipment usually take from six to eight weeks to heal at which time the jewelry can be changed without any problem. Quality aftercare of your piercing has a great impact on the amount of time your body needs. Healing is one thing
it takes much more time for the pierced skin to adjust and be accepted by your body. After the initial change
is it s a good idea for the jewelry to be left in the piercing at all times for at least the first six months but a longer period is better.
read more “Gold Piercing Body Jewelry Practical Guide”

Buying gold jewelry for your store can be a complicated business. It is important for you to do your research so that you can avoid the traps that await you as a wholesale gold jewelry buyer. It is to your advantage to take the time effort to know what your customers want and compare the different price points being offered.

Start by making a customer profile: what type of designs
styles and price points they prefer. It is wise to keep the current popular trends in mind when you are buying your inventory
this can help you to attract new customers as well as give your current customers new gold jewelry designs to consider. If you are new to the gold jewelry business
and do not have an established clientele
you can begin with a combination of classic and contemporary designs for broad market appeal. Selecting yellow
rose or white gold jewelry in 18kt
and 10kt grades will give you a range of sales opportunities.

In your pursuit
you will no doubt come across a gold jewelry vendor who uses the strategy of "wholesale to public". This may sound tempting
but according to the Lanham Act
in the section that deals with federal trademark/unfair competition rules
those who make these types of claims by stating a false or misleading description of fact as to the origin of there goods can be held liable in a civil action.

In addition
gold jewelry vendors should be aware of the FTC Guideline that clearly states: "retailers should not advertise a retail price as a 'wholesale' price. In other words
they should not represent that they are selling at 'factory' prices when they are not selling at the prices paid by those purchasing directly from the manufacturer."

Dealing with unethical vendors can also damage the reputation of your business
because you may sacrifice quality for a low price. But your customers rely on your judgments when making the selections that they eventually purchase and once a complaint of substandard goods from a dissatisfied customer is made
it can be very difficult to re-establish their trust.

By definition
a wholesaler is a person who deals directly with the manufacturer. This assures you of quality; you will be able to get the information and support your need because they are in constant contact with the gold jewelry source. A reputable gold jewelry wholesale business also has a reputation to protect and will work with you until you are satisfied. When your select your gold jewelry wisely from a reputable source
it is easier to set your price point reasonably. Using this practice can win over the most skeptical customers
even those who may feel that retail gold jewelry is overpriced.

Another point to remember is that your main competition for the gold jewelry customer can be found in abundance on the Internet. When a customer enters your store it offers you the opportunity to make their real-world buying experience unique
satisfying and rewarding in a way that the Internet cannot offer.
read more “Gold Jewelry Wholesale Insider Secrets - Avoiding Pitfalls”

Whether buying gold jewelry for yourself or a loved one
deciding what and where to buy fine jewelry can be a tough decision. Gold jewelry is an item you'll cherish for many years to come - maybe even a lifetime! So
you'll want to make a wise choice. Here are some quick do's and don'ts to remember when buying gold jewelry.

Do Buy Gold Jewelry from a Company You Trust

When you want fine jewelry
choose a company or Web store that specializes in fine jewelry. Don't expect to find the best of jewelry at a company that offers everything including the kitchen sink! A specialist can assist you personally and provide a wider variety of gold jewelry.

When searching online
be specific in your searches
and do research on the company before making a purchase. Check to see if the company is affiliated with a professional trade association such as the Jewelers of America (JA) or the online Better Business Bureau.

Do Look for Guarantees or Warranties

Before buying gold jewelry from a company (online or offline)
get a detailed explanation of their return policy in case the jewelry is not what you expected or has a defect. Some will offer manufacturer's warranties as well.

Do Shop for Quality
not Just Discounted Prices

It's tempting to buy fine jewelry at a discount to get a great bargain. But
what are you really getting? With gold jewelry
for example
find the karat or quality mark on the actual jewelry to see if it's real gold or not. And remember
the karats are an indication of what percentage of gold is in the jewelry piece. 24K is pure gold
is 75 percent gold
is 58.3 percent gold
and 10K is 41.6 percent gold. So
what is the other percentage? It is usually made up of alloy
or different metals that add form and strength to the jewelry item.

Don't be Hasty

Look around at several gold jewelry pieces before making a decision. Consider the price of the jewelry as well. Ask about these factors to determine if the fine jewelry is worth its price: karat weight
total weight
look and feel
ornamental detail
and the finish.

Don't Buy from Suspicious Companies or Persons

If you have an uneasy feeling about buying fine jewelry from a particular person or company
don't do it. The jewelry could be stolen or fake. Either way
you'll lose in the long run. Always choose a reputable company that specializes in fine jewelry and/or gold jewelry.

Don't Forget the Clasp and Measurements

If buying for others
find out what size gold jewelry they wear
such as ring size
neck size
wrist size
or ankle size. Whether it's gold necklaces
gold earrings
gold bracelets
gold bangles
or other types of jewelry
you'll need to know the size and style that fits you or your loved one. Also
examine the clasp to be sure it's easy to attach and of good quality.

Use these tips as a starting point to get the gold jewelry you need. The right gold jewelry piece can be worn for a lifetime!
read more “Gold Jewelry Do s and Don ts”

Gold has been pricing out over $580.00 an ounce in recent weeks. Earlier this year the price was $730.00 an ounce. On May 12th
the price reached a 26 year high of $732.00 an ounce. Since then
prices have dropped twenty-two percent which still leaves the price in the $580.00 an ounce range.

Prices for gold jewelry seems to depend more on the design value of the jewelry than the actual amount of gold contained in it. According to the World Gold Council
sales in the United States seem to be rising. The Council believes the US customers buy gold for adornment
not the investment value of the jewelry

Since jewelers place their orders months in advance
it will be interesting to see what merchandise is available for the holiday season. With the fluctuating prices
it will be more difficult for both designers and retailers this year.

The gold in the stores now
was purchased prior to this recent instability of the price. Since gold is at a high now
the gold in our stores for the holiday season will have been purchased at almost all-time high prices when the inventories must be increased for the seasonal sales.

Some retailers
including Blue Nile
an online jeweler
is not totally passing on the higher prices to the consumer. This creates lower profit margins for designers but make gold a better buy for the consumer.

Shop wisely. Check prices. If you can be flexible
your will find exactly what you want at an affordable price. Give the “Gift of Gold” to your special person
read more “Gold Jewelry Is the High Cost of Gold Affecting the Designers”

Gold jewellery has been prized for literally thousands of years for its beauty
being used both to show enormous wealth and as an expression of love and affection. You probably know that gold goes back to the time of the Pharaohs
who wore it all over their bodies
and were buried with it upon their death.

gold jewellery is everywhere. It’s most commonly seen as rings on the fingers of married or engaged people
or as earrings
but many people also put jewellery in their nose
tongue or belly button
among other places. Hip hop culture has led to a resurgence in large pieces of gold jewellery being worn as a deliberate show of wealth
as ‘bling’
and this fashion has spread to many of the world’s young people.

When you buy gold jewellery
there are two important things to consider: the first is what the piece itself actually looks like (the quality of the jewellery itself)
and the second is the purity of the gold
measured in carats. Although many people can be snobbish about low-carat gold
it is often what you do with it that counts
with a well-made piece from lower-quality gold actually being much more pleasing than a badly-made piece from expensive gold
and cheaper to boot.

Of course
if you’re not into gold
there are plenty of alternatives. Silver is gaining in popularity all the time
as a way to stand out from the crowd and counter the perception of some that gold is tacky
and platinum is also a well-regarded metal for jewellery-making. It’s possible to make just about anything into nice jewellery given time and skill
with some interesting materials to try being glass
shells and even wood – you can even make your own jewellery out of inexpensive beads and string
if you’re looking for something unique.
read more “Gold Jewellery has been prized for thousands of years”

One thing you can say about gold earrings is that they are timeless pieces that are always in style. They are not only beautiful
but also wear-friendly since
unlike sterling silver
they don’t tarnish. Another great attribute is that people with allergies to certain metals
or find they have a problem with staining from metals that have been combined with gold
don’t have a problem with gold itself.

Gold is a versatile metal
able to be worked in virtually any shape
whether it be small
but sturdy
strands to thin sheets. In fact
just one ounce has the ability to be hammered into an extremely thin sheet measuring at ten feet square. Artisans
especially makers of gold earrings
can manipulate gold into any desired shape.

When choosing gold earrings you need to look at the gold’s karat factor. Different karat numbers are what describe just how much pure gold is in the earrings. The percentage of gold in the earrings is higher when the karat number is higher.

For example
earrings are pure gold
is 75% gold with 18 parts of gold and 6 parts of another metal
the most common
is 58.3% gold with 14 parts of gold and 10 parts of another metal
is 50% gold with 12 parts of gold and 12 parts of another metal
the minimum karat that can be described as gold
is a mere 41.7% gold with 10 parts gold and 14 parts of another metal.

Gold earrings made in Europe will have different markings. For example
will be marked as 750
will be marked as 585
and 12 K will be marked as 417. These marking stand for the percentage of gold the earrings contain.

Most gold earrings aren’t made of pure gold since it can be quite soft and not very practical for daily wear. In mot cases
other metals will have been mixed with the gold in order to heighten the durability
as well as lower the price.

When metallurgists add other metals to gold it allows them to change the gold’s color. To create white gold Palladium
also known as nickel
is added. The addition of copper products creates a rose/pink color
while adding silver can give gold a greenish tint.

When choosing the type of gold earrings that is right for you
you must decide how often you will wear them and what type of karat number will fit this need. If you are allergic to such metals as nickel
you should choose gold earrings that have a higher gold content. This means that gold earrings marked with 18K or 22K are best for you.

If you plan to wear your earrings only on occasion
and don’t necessarily have to have the best gold there is
then you have the option of choosing gold earrings that are gold filled or even gold plated. This would not be a good choice if you do plan to wear the gold earrings on a daily basis since a lot of use will reduce the gold layer
therefore exposing the metal that is underneath and possibly causing staining or even an allergic reaction.

If you plan to purchase gold earrings that you want to last a very long time
then make sure you buy a high quality item.
read more “Gold Earrings - Important Facts”

Over the past five years
I’ve changed the way I buy and give gifts. Once upon a time
I bought ‘needed’ gifts. I then progressed to ‘should have’ gifts. Then I gave ‘you get it any way’ gifts. All of this obviously came from my theory about what others needed
or had to have no matter what.

I’m past all these internal theories related to gift giving. I now look for gifts ‘from the heart’. I’ve found that it is such a beautiful thing to find a special charm to add to the lovely gold charm bracelet I gave my daughter several years ago. I’m adding charms that tell a story of our lives together.

Last year I decided to add these mementos in a special gift basket that I make for each of my children and my niece. I found lovely gold charms created by a craftsman who only sells them at fairs. He takes gold coins
actual coins from other countries
and cuts them into beautiful patterns. Since I appreciated his gold coins
as well as
the jewelry he made with diamonds
he spent some time talking to me describing his craft.

He actually agreed to make me several more pieces. I was truly appreciative since he does not do orders. He is a one of a kind craftsman who willingly shared his time and artistry with gold with me. These beautiful gold coins were a wonderful addition to last year’s gift basket.

I have not found the ‘perfect I Love You’ gift for this year but I’m sure I will.
read more “Gold and Diamond Jewelry - What a fabulous way to say I Love You in gold”

Gold is a precious metal. Historically
it has been used for stores of value (bars) for jewelry
and as actual money (coinage). It is a yellow element found in nuggets that can actually be ruby or black when divided.

It is the most malleable metal known. When other elements are it forms alloys. This will increase the hardness and can create exotic colors. Adding copper gives a redder color
iron more blue
platinum white
aluminum creates purple.

Gold conducts heat and electricity well. Heat
moisture and corrosives have very little chemical effect gold. This makes it well-suited for make coins and jewelry. Since gold itself is soft
it is given the alloys to make it stronger and change its color.

When using gold for jewelry
it is measured in karats. Pure gold is 24K. It is generally sold as 22K
and 14K. This means silver or copper have been added for strength and color.

Commonly we find the use of gold in jewelry making. Designers create beautiful gold jewelry which sometimes are enhanced with diamonds and gemstones. Gold and diamond jewelry makes wonderful presents. In our society they are also used for wedding rings and in gift giving.

There are many other uses of gold such as:

1. Embroidery Thread
2. In computers
jet aircraft
3. Dental crowns and bridges
4. White gold can substitute for platinum

Gold has had a high value since prehistoric times and was used as a symbol of value
purity and royalty. The price of gold has rise over the years indicating how it is valued in society.
read more “Gold Gold has a varied history- It used for more than making gold jewelry”

Everyone Loves Diamonds…
When they said that diamonds are a girl's best friend
they weren't joking. Women love diamonds for their brilliance and for what they represent
and men like diamonds for the elegance and class associated with the gems. No matter whom you're shopping for
especially if it's yourself
you can't go wrong with diamonds. A diamond watch is a gift that anyone would love to own.

How to Decide Where to Buy and How Much to Spend
If you need to keep the time anyway
why not do it in style? But shopping for diamond watch is never easy. Every jewelry store is competing with all the others
and you hear so many horror stories about this jewelry store and that. You hardly know which store to go to when they all make each other out to be crooks. When every jewelry store advertises that the competition doesn't know what they're doing
who are you supposed to trust? And diamond watches are so expensive
many of the prices found in the jewelry stores are just too much to pay.

A little Internet shopping might be the first thing you'll want to check out
because even if you don't buy you can get some different prices to comparison shop with. In most locations
the Sunday edition of the newspaper is filled with ads for jewelry stores. It is always easier to buy something when it's on sale
and the Sunday sales ads offer great bargains. The colorful displays will give the casual shopper a good idea of what's being offered

The Right Diamonds for You
Diamond lovers talk of clarity
and cut
but in truth the best diamond to buy is the one that you absolutely love. If it sings to you
and you can afford it
then you should take the plunge. What's the point of having something attractive if you don't completely adore it? A quality diamond is the one that looks the best to you. After all
a beautiful diamond watch is an item that can be passed down through generations
and will always be treasured. The right diamond watch to pick is the one that you love
because either way you're going to be stuck with it for a long while yet.

The setting
the stones
the watch itself all must combine in just the right way. When all these different pieces come together to form the perfect whole
you will know it right away. The watch that strikes you the most is the one you'll want to buy. Worrying about the cut and shape of the stones
the perfection and size
is less important than the general appeal and effect of the whole piece.

If you're buying diamonds for someone else
try to put yourself in their shoes. Think about their taste and style in other jewelry that they're worn or purchased
and mimic this as much as possible. In any case
a diamond watch is a gift that anyone will cherish for a lifetime. A beautiful diamond watch will be cherished all the more
and buying someone a gift that they would have picked out for themselves
if they could have
is a gesture that will never be forgotten.

The Gift They'll Always Remember
Large or small
diamonds are always fashionable. A diamond watch is a great gift to give to yourself or someone close to you
and it should last you a lifetime. After all
doesn't everyone love diamonds? Some can afford to buy the very best
and that's always to be encouraged. Others must live on a budget
but that doesn't mean everyone doesn't want to buy elegant things or give precious gifts. Doing a little shopping around will help you determine what kind of watch you can afford to purchase
and at least you'll have done your homework before you venture inside your local jewelry store. Giving someone a beautiful piece that will last them a lifetime is a gesture that won't soon be forgotten
and if you're shopping for yourself then you'll have something you can always cherish. The best purchase you can make is an educated one
so be sure to do plenty of shopping around before you commit. In any case
diamonds are going to be an expensive purchase
but they are considered to be something of an investment. You'll want to spend your money wisely
and come away with something that best suits you.
read more “Give Them Diamonds”

The reasons for giving gifts are as numerous as the ideas for gifts themselves. Whether it's for a birthday
a wedding
the holidays
a housewarming or "just because
a thoughtful gift conveys a true sense of caring and sharing.

In addition, certain gifts offer a dual benefit-providing joy to the recipient and helping support worthwhile causes. For example, through the purchase of beautiful and unique items such as St. Jude Wish Charms and accessories, people can help children from communities around the world who are battling cancer and other catastrophic diseases.

Wish Charms symbolize unity and spirituality, shaped into a perfect circle. They offer eight meaningful, life-affirming expressions, elegantly engraved and accentuated by fine Austrian crystals. The charms look great looped through a leather cord or a silver chain as a necklace. They can be stacked, woven together into a choker or dangled from a silver bracelet.

By shopping through the Hope Catalog, you can show your support for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital with trendy merchandise from Liz Claiborne, DKNY Jeans, Tommy Hilfiger, Nike and several others. Choose from apparel, jewelry, bags, home accessories and other St. Jude merchandise to help children from communities around the world who are battling cancer and other catastrophic diseases.
read more “Gifts That Benefit The Recipients-And Sick Children. These beautiful Wish Charms that symbolize unity and spirituality also help fund research”

Choosing the right place to buy a Diamond Ring is as tough as choosing the ring itself. Because of the liberalized and open market
lots of brands and lots of jewelers have flooded the market and that finally ends up in a confusion of where to buy.

Because the marketplace is flooded equally with fake diamonds and low quality diamonds
it?s not easy for an untrained eye to know the difference between a high-quality and a low-quality one. The definite advantage of buying a diamond ring from a well-known place is that you don?t have to worry about fake or low quality rings and you can concentrate only on choosing what you like and what your favorite style is.

Companies like CMR Diamonds Inc. in Belgium are world famous. It is based in Antwerp
which is called the International Diamond Trading Capital. When buying diamonds
we should always look for GIA certification for authenticity. The Gemological Institute of America provides certification for good diamonds and it?s accepted worldwide.

Another institute providing certification is the IGI; International Gemological Institute. So
diamonds with these certifications are always considered authentic and original.

Online retail jewelers have become increasingly popular and people prefer online buying as it?s hassle free
easy to access and reachable from any corner of the world. They provide you an impeccable collection of their jewelry range and it?s being showcased in their sites and you can even bid for them. So purchasing through online retailers is equally as safe as direct purchasing
as the online retailers provide you with certified diamonds.

Below we have wittled down our most highly recommended diamond merchants and provided you with links direct to their sites. We hope this site has been informative and helpful to you in aiding you in your selection of the perfect diamond engagement ring.
read more “Get The Best Price On The Engagement Ring Of Your Dreams”

If you are in search of a great e-commerce business
be sure to take a strong look at the wholesale jewelry business. Since the advent of the internet more and more people are doing their shopping online. This shopping includes people who are scouring the internet in search of quality jewelry at a great price. The online market for wholesale jewelry companies has been increasing every year
and there is no end in sight. People are in need of these products for work
their social wardrobe
or for gifts. But before deciding to go into this business
be sure to do a lot of research. It is important to know what you are getting yourself into before you start.

The first step to success would be to do some research on the companies that are currently selling online. Take notes on what you like and do not like about their operation. This way you can incorporate these ideas into your new business. Next
attempt to contact the owners of these companies and ask about their finances. See how much start-up money it took
and how long it was before they started to turn a profit. Finally
take into consideration how you will get your name in front of prospective buyers. Putting together a marketing plan can be one of the most important aspects of starting a wholesale jewelry business.

it is important to remember to do a lot of research before you start. This research will provide you with ideas
as well as help you to avoid any unwanted mistakes.
read more “Get Started in the Wholesale Jewelry Business”

Gemstones carry many popular stories and beliefs regarding their colorful displays. Each such class of stones may have a distinct crystalline and optical identity to speak of
which shall provide a unique identity to the gemstone jewelry produced from them. As per many popular stories
they are believed to influence the human mind in different ways when adorned as gemstone rings and other ornaments. These stories do have some scientific reasoning as well to rely on
as the human mind is known to react depending on the kind of optical and colorful displays it was exposed to. We are going to examine some of these tale telling facts about gemstones and their influences in the everyday life through the following paragraphs.

We often wear gemstone rings studded with Sapphires or Rubies on different occasions. These stones are basically mineral forms of corundum
an aluminum oxide (Al2O3). The mineral is called Ruby or Sapphire depending on the kind of light it was able to reflect back. A red mineral corundum is always called a Ruby while the rest other shades are classified either as Sapphires or Padparadschais. Gemstone rings should be worn according to one's zodiac sign
one popular belief says
and Sapphires work out best for those individuals who had an Aquarius sign. In the same way
Ruby is known to calm down aggressive individuals of a particular lineage of stars. Similarly
Opal and Topaz
two more precious stones that manufacturers often try making use of while assembling gemstone jewelry
are known to make individuals of certain stars successful.

Some southwest Indian tribes are widely seen wearing Turquoise to promote healing and good luck and to perform religious ceremonies. Hematite
another metallic gray colored stone
is adorned in the same region as a way to energize one's bloodstreams
while the brownish red Jasper is believed to nullify one's negativity. Jasper also gets known for healing up kidney
spleen and liver ailments and thus plays out the role of a medic. A dark green colored stone named Malachite
is supposed to help in garnering mental insightfulness and arousing the levels of loyalty and fidelity from those around. Another stone named as Adventurine and found in light greens
is often thought to aid people in getting rid of anxiety and garnering a tranquil life in exchange.

Purple colored stones Amethysts are known to help out people in getting rid of their addictive habits and in garnering mental peace. Similarly
Rhodonite is thought to raise up the levels of positive thoughts in one’s life and help out them have emotional soundness. These and many other notions regarding precious stones dictate how people would normally buy gemstone jewelry across the globe. Not only the charm of adorning oneself with lustrous jewels but also the thought of having positive effects is what makes people go in for the ornaments like gemstone rings
necklaces etc.

Many websites may be seen offering a great deal of information regarding gemstone jewelry these days. These include stones produced in natural mines and scientifically synthesized both. One can log on at these sites to instantly order their selections of gemstone items at highly cut-throat rates any day.
read more “Gemstones Are All About Tales And Colors”

Gemstones need no formal introduction when it comes to evaluating how much they were defining man's beautifying techniques. Gemstone jewelry has always played a key role in making the humans look more glamorous since time immemorial. You may have as many bracelets
necklaces and finger rings of pure gold and platinum as desired
but unless you had had a couple of them studded with gemstones
the desire of having an impressive collection of jewelry items will go unfulfilled. Men and women have always craved for owning the ornaments like gemstone rings as a result
to display out their possession of power and wealth.

also called gems
are basically mineral parts that are cut and polished to look charming and be available for inserting inside ornaments. Some organic compounds and non-minerals like amber are also treated as gemstones by the ornament manufacturers. Gemstones are classified according to their chemical composition
crystalline structure and the original forms they were found in; the phrase habit stands for the last of these three categories. Hard brilliant diamonds
for example
are made of carbon (C)
and soothing red rubies of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) as per their chemical analysis. In the same way
different stones may have different crystalline formations as per their physical mapping
such as a cubic or a trigonal one. Some diamonds
originally found in the nature as octahedrons
are treated to have cubic crystalline formations for the sake of making specific industrial usage
thus transforming their basic physical state
the habit.

Gemstones have to go through many procedures before being inducted into ornaments. They are heated
waxed and filled up with oil
apart from being targeted with several other techniques to gather lasting effects. Some of these treatments may last permanently while others may fade out with time
thus deciding how much value they should add to the resulting gemstone jewelry. Gemstones are basically either cut and polished into cabochons or faceted structures
depending on their physical properties. Stones that are opaque such as turquoise
etc are normally cut and polished into dome shaped forms called cabochons
while those with transparent characters are made to look multi-faceted. One can always select to buy ornaments such as gemstone rings studded with either of the two kinds of stones.

The reason given for not cutting and polishing the opaque gems into multi-faceted ones is their lack of ability to showcase interiors. Apart from that
hardness does also play out a key role in deciding what shape any stone should finally have as gemstone jewelry. Normally
less hard stones are prone to getting more scratched compared to the harder ones
hence providing them with a dome like shape lessens the chance of those scratches being picked up visually. These aspects usually guide the way gemstone jewelry was manufactured across the globe.

There is a vast market available for the synthetically produced gemstones and their ornaments as well. They are generally valued just a fraction of what the naturally made gemstone jewelry might usually cost. These stones may have similar optical properties to their original counter parts on occasions
but may vary in terms of physical and chemical properties in a substantial manner. So
you should decide in advance the nature of stones you may wish to wear before stepping inside any jewelry showroom the next time
as there may be dozens of styles and price tags to choose from in various categories of the gemstone rings
necklaces and bracelets that you might get to look at.
read more “Gemstones - The Crowning Glory Of Ornaments”

Colorful gemstones are just anybody’s dream to have. Their natural colors more than match your very fashionable dresses. Their sheer range could strike you spell bound. Gemstones are precious or semiprecious mineral stones which when cut and faceted can be used as jewels.

There is more to gemstones than just being jewelry items. They are regarded as lucky when worn specific to an individual’s birth month. Before we deal with this aspect in detail lets see the classification of gemstones.

Classification and Characteristics of Gemstones
There is a tri-level classification of gemstones namely
species and varieties. Simply put
rubies which are red in color belong to conundrum species which in turn belong to hematite group. Others like emerald
heliodor and morganite
all of them belong to that variety known as beryl. There are over 150 different species available.

Gemstones display all characteristics of crystals like dispersion
refractive indices
and specific gravity etc. They also possess characters like inclusions
fractures and cleavage which play upon their quality and values. However gemologists include all gems into the precious list.

Hardness is another important characteristic of gemstones. Simply put
hardness means resistance to scratch which is measured in Mohs
a system developed by an Austrian mineralogist F. Mohs. The scale of hardness reads from 1-10 with higher number indicating the hardest. If talc is at the bottom with just 1Moh
diamond has 10Mohs. Other popular gemstones like feldspar
topaz and sapphire having Mohs of 6
and 9 respectively.

Birth Stones
US Geological Survey lists gemstones classified as birth stones. It is believed by most people that wearing birthstones brings luck to their lives. It is not surprising that all societies have this kind of faith with regards to gemstones
albeit with differences here and there
looking at the romancing tryst every society had with these ‘stones’. The list is in the order of calendar months with each month having at least one gemstone specific to that month. One can find a list of birth stones on official website of USGS.

Buying Gemstones
USGS cautions buyers against unscrupulous sellers as more and more of them are trying to push through synthetic gemstones as genuine pieces to unsuspecting
inexperienced buyers. Gemstones are measured by size and carats. (1carat=1/5th of a gram.)

When buying gemstones
watch out for:

1.Heating alters the color sometimes improving clarity
2.Irradiation darkens colors
3.Impregnation with wax
resins etc fills cracks
4.Fractures filled by injecting plastic
5.Differential colors in center and surface indicates diffusion treatment

Always buy from reputed sellers who produce certificates by Gemological Institute of America to prevent a lucky stone turn unlucky.
read more “Gemstones Girl s New Best Friend”

Some of the most beautiful jewelry is made using semi-precious gem stones. A gem stone is a mineral
a rock or a petrified material that is cut or faceted and polished before it can be used in jewelry.

Some gem stones are fairly rare
such as amazonite
which is a bright green variety of feldspar. Formerly it was obtained almost exclusively from Russia
but recently it was found in Colorado and Madagascar. Its limited occurrence makes it prized as a gem stone.

also called citrin quartz
is an amber colored gem stone.

Aventurine is commonly a green gem stone
but can be orange
yellow or grey. The rarest is red and highly prized as a gem stone.

Cordierite is a magnesium
iron and aluminum cyclosilicate
the transparent variety of which is iolite
which is used as a gem stone. The name
is derived from the Greek word for violet.

Lapis lazuli is a stone which has been classified as a gem stone. This deep blue gem stone dates back to the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

Jade is an interesting gem stone. The name is applied to two different silicate materials. It is a very tough material and was first used for axe heads
knives and weapons. It was only when other materials were found that could be used for these purposes that jade become a prized gem stone. Nephrite is either green or creamy in color
while jadeite comes in a variety of colors. In New Zealand
where nephrite jade is known as greenstone and not gem stone
the Maoris consider it a treasure. In traditional Maori designs
this gem stone is still widely used to make jewelry. Jade is the official gem stone of British Columbia. Many minerals are sold as jade. These can certainly be used as gem stones
but are not the real thing.

Turquoise is another gem and ornamental stone. The name is a very old word
probably derived from the French meaning Turkish stone
although turquoise was not found in Turkey
but was traded there. Iran and the Sinai Peninsula were sources of very fine turquoise. In the United States
the deposits were mined by pre-Columbian Native Americans. Nowadays there is some imitation turquoise
which is so good
that only an expert could tell the difference between the real stone and the fake!

It’s possible that rings and bracelets and necklaces made with these semi-precious gemstones may not be as valuable as say
gold or diamonds
but they can be exquisite and highly prized. Of course
if the diamond is flawed
it may be impressive to the friends and acquaintances of a newly engaged damsel
but is not of great value.
read more “Gemstones”

A wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion for many people
although for an increasing number of persons
it has become a several-in-a-lifetime event. In any case
it is still a very special ceremony that binds not only a man and a woman together; today
gay male couples and gay women couples also observe the ceremony to affirm their lifelong commitment to each other. In such ceremonies
the gay wedding ring takes center stage.

Same-sex marriage is still illegal in the majority of U.S. states and in countries all over the world
so what gay couples opt for is to participate in a “commitment ceremony
” where the exchange of gay wedding rings also takes place. A gay wedding ring most often resembles the traditional gold or platinum wedding band. Of course
the couples are free to have the designs or the metal they wish for their gay wedding ring. Gay-related symbols are often engraved on the rings
and various textures and effects are available as well. Irish and Scottish rings
multicolored rings
woven rings – a wealth of options is available.

Homosexual and lesbian couples who have exchanged or are planning to exchange gay wedding rings in commitment or blessing ceremonies include Rosie and Kelly O’Donnell
and actress Sophie Ward and Rena Brannan. British musician Sir Elton John and David Furbish have also talked about getting married as soon as gays are legally allowed to join together in matrimony in Great Britain.

Jewelry designers such as Udi Behr are recognizing the need of “unconventional” couples to affirm their commitment to one another. Behr created a collection of gay wedding rings and gay engagement rings called “Love and Pride” in support of the gay rights movement. Behr
who is himself straight
is a popular designer among celebrities; famous people who buy his work include Sharon Stone and Britney Spears.

As with heterosexual couples
gay couples see their weddings bands as a tangible symbol of their love and commitment to one another. Notwithstanding governmental indifference to or disapproval of their needs and wishes
gay people will go on standing for what they believe is their right. The gay wedding ring
aside from its romantic connotations
has also become a symbol of the large part of homosexual culture in today’s society.
read more “Gay Wedding Ring Symbol of Love and Equality”

Garnet is the birthstone for people born in the month of January and it is supposed to contain powers that will facilitate your night vision and help you to achieve success. It is also the traditional stone that symbolizes the second marriage anniversary. In the past
some archeologists have found different types of garnet jewelry in the lake dweller graves. According to them
garnet was a popular form of jewelry in the Bronze Age. Today
you can find garnet mines in India
Sri Lanka
Siberia and Africa.

Not all the garnets are a high quality gem but the ones that are of high quality
they are more than just priceless. You buy a garnet ring once
it is for life! They are available in a broad spectrum of colors except in blue. You will find a vibrant orange garnet ring
lime green garnet ear rings
pink garnet in affordable jewelry
and even shades of violet.

Garnet consists of certain minerals like Pyralspites (aluminum)
Ugrandites (calcium)
Andradite etc. Apart from pure varieties of garnets
there are some mixed varieties like malaia or malaya
and grandite. Another type of garnet comes in a hue of purple and it is called rhodolite. As far as the color of garnet is concerned
there is a special type of garnet called the Spessartite garnet.

Spessartite garnet is ideochromatic
which means that is gets its color from magnesium. Magnesium produces the vibrant orange in garnets
which has become irresistible and popular. Now if you mix some iron in the form of almadine
then the garnet will produce a deeper red color
more like the red wine and is as intoxicating. Did you know that the garnet actually got its name from the Latin word granatum meaning grain?

Garnets are available in two different forms
the igneous and the metamorphosed rock formations. These rocks are formed due to intense heat like the one produced by volcanoes. Garnets hold a strong reputation of being tough and they are used as a gemstone and also in the abrasive industry. It is an excellent substitute for mineral slag and sand in blast cleaning treatments.

One of the new found type of garnet is the Spessarite garnet. Most Spessartite garnets are available in three different categories. The light colored garnet and bright ones with deep orange or red color comes from Nigeria. There is the spectacular tangerine orange or mandarin garnets
which come from Namibia and they are a class by themselves. The Spessartite garnet has a deep red color but it will look its best in incandescent light. So if you are planning to buy one then check it under the incandescent light. The garnet is quite a strong stone and measures 6.5 to 7.5 on the Moh’s scale and this means that it can stand the test of time just your love. When you gift a garnet then it becomes symbolic of your love and devotion for that person.
read more “Garnet Jewelry - Express your love”

We all know the old verse “Something old
something new
something borrowed
something blue.” But it’s way more than a verse
its something many brides follow to the rule. So why not fulfill a wedding tradition with estate bridal jewelry?

Future brides from every corner of the globe try very hard to follow this little verse. Their wedding gowns
accessories and jewelry must all play into this little verse. What’s really great is that estate bridal jewelry can fill the requirements very easy! Let’s look at each portion of the vers.

Something old
could be a piece of bridal jewelry that is a family heirloom. It may come from the brides side of the family or the grooms side. It may have been owned by a mother
a grandmother
or even just a traditional piece that is worn by all brides in the family. And if there is no family heirloom bridal jewelry not to worry
you are certainly not alone. That’s where estate jewelry can fill the gap. Find a piece of estate jewelry you love and adore
buy it
wear it. You’ll keep the tradition of something old alive and well!

Something new
Not much explaining to do here. New is a pretty easy bill to fill. There are thousands of online stores and brick and mortar stores offering a great mix of modern stylish jewelry that is perfect as bridal jewelry. But wait! Estate jewelry can help here too. Not all estate jewelry is very old. Estate simply means previously owned and that means by looking at estate jewelry that dates within the last year you can often find that perfect piece that may never have been worn and meets the something new requirement. The added bonus is you won’t look like every other bride because your bridal jewelry will have a unique look all of its own

Something borrowed
May require the most thought. After all most brides want their look to be theirs complete with their own choices in bridal jewelry. Remember borrowing that special piece from a friend or family member can add the finishing touches to your look and it can save you thousands of dollars. Gemstones aren’t cheap! And if you have no one to borrow from never fear there are many retailers that rent out beautiful estate jewelry for weddings. This fulfills your need for something borrowed and you get the added effect of something beautiful and unique.

Something blue
Is your final quest and can be quite an easy task. The most important is to remember there are thousands of shades of blue and you’ll want to choose one that matches your attire. You can choose from sapphires
aqua marines
or even blue pearls to name a few. Your blue can be bold and noticeable or it can be just a hint of blue. Once again estate jewelry comes through. You can find a beautiful piece of jewelry that is unique and affordable and of the highest quality by shopping for estate jewelry.

On your wedding day you are the attraction and you’ll want to look your very best for this important occasion. Choosing estate bridal jewelry will do it’s part to make you look gorgeous and it will have you radiant as you waltz down the aisle!
read more “Fulfill a Wedding Tradition with Estate Bridal Jewelry”

There are three main types of cultured saltwater pearls: akoya
and South Sea. Pearls can be cultured in fresh water as well. Each type has distinct characteristics
and each is very beautiful in its own way. Like with most things
individual tastes determine pearl preferences. Or you may have a taste for every pearl variety! The following is a look at the main types of cultured pearls.

Akoya Cultured Pearls
Timeless and popular
the akoya cultured pearl probably comes to mind when you think of pearls. (Because akoyas are easier to match than other pearls
they are a popular choice for bracelets and necklaces.) These saltwater beauties are typically small (they range between 2mm and 11mm; average is 6mm-7mm)
and are most commonly white or cream-colored.

Akoyas are produced in the akoya oyster
or P. fucata
the smallest of the saltwater pearl oysters. The main animals used for saltwater pearl culturing in Japan
these small oysters typically reach only 8cm to 13cm in diameter
but they can accept multiple nucleations—up to five at a time. (If a larger pearl is desired
only one bead is inserted.)
Akoya pearls were the first round cultured pearls—called “spherical” in the jewelry trade—that were produced. Approximately 70%-80% of a given akoya crop is spherical. Typically white or cream with ros้ or green overtones
akoyas typically grow from eight months to two years before they’re harvested. A jewelry staple
the simple and classic white akoya strand is a popular choice for brides.

Tahitian Cultured Pearls
If you think of black pearls
you probably picture a peacock-blue-sheened Tahitian. This is a desirable hue for a Tahitian cultured pearl
but they can also be black
gray or brown with hues of blue
and purple and overtones of ros้
green or blue. Marketed just since the 1970s
Tahitians are revered for their exotic colors and large sizes
as you may have noticed
their large price tag reflects their relative rarity.

Tahitian pearls are produced mainly in French Polynesia in the so-called “black-lipped” oyster
P. margaritifera
a large saltwater mollusk that can grow up to 12 inches in diameter
weigh up to 11 lbs. and live up to 30 years. These oysters produce pearls that reach 8mm-14mm in size in a growth period that takes about two years.

Tahitian cultured pearls typically show fair to excellent luster
and achieve this by natural means
unlike akoyas and freshwater cultured pearls
which require treatment—usually bleaching—to bring out their sheen. When Tahitians are harvested
farmers wash them in fresh water
dry them and lightly buff them
usually by tumbling the gems with ground salt and bamboo chips.

P margaritifera can be nucleated
or implanted
several times over its lifetime
but in general
the first harvest produces the finest quality pearl. Unlike its smaller cousin
the akoya
Tahitian cultured pearls are spherical less than half the time. For this reason
it may take years to find just the right pearls to match for a necklace. This is one of the reasons why a matched strand of Tahitian cultured pearls is so costly. Because they can often come in unique shapes
Tahitians are used by many jewelry designers in pieces that feature a single pearl. These pieces are uniquely beautiful and can be as breathtaking as a costly Tahitian strand.

South Sea Cultured Pearls
P. maxima
one of the world’s largest mollusks
produces the magnificent South Sea cultured pearl
generally the largest cultured pearl on the market. As its name implies
the South Sea cultured pearl is produced in Australia
Indonesia and the Phillipines. (The cultured pearl is the national gem of the Phillipines.) Most South Sea pearls are silver
or a gorgeous and coveted golden color. Farmers do not treat these pearls after harvest
although some wholesale buyers do so after export.

Unlike a freshwater pearl mollusk
P. maxima can accept only one nucleation at a time; however the oyster can be nucleated up to three times in its lifetime. After nucleation
the South Sea cultured pearl requires 20-24 months to grow
and typically produces a pearl around 13mm
although some reach 15mm or larger. Between 10%-30% of any given crop contains spherical pearls. Australia produces about 60 percent of the supply of South Sea cultured pearls
although Indonesian farmers produce more of the golden variety than Australian farmers do.

Freshwater Cultured Pearls
Unlike their saltwater cousins
freshwater pearls are produced in mollusks rather than oysters
like their name implies
are grown in ponds
lakes and rivers rather than in the ocean. Most of today’s freshwater cultured pearls are produced in China
thanks to improvements in culturing techniques
the round
high-luster gems of today are a vast improvement over the inexpensive
squishy rice-krispie-shaped gems typical of the freshwater crop of yesteryear. Indeed many experts maintain that today’s freshwater cultured pearls rival the beauty of saltwater cultured pearls—a far cry from the freshwater pearl’s humble reputation from the not-so-distant past.

Freshwater cultured pearls are produced in mussels belonging to the family Unionidae. Most are grown in China
yet the United Sates produces its fair share. In fact
the mother-of-pearl beads used to induce the pearl growing process worldwide are made from ground American mussel shells.

Many freshwater pearls are nucleated
or implanted
with mantle tissue only
which is taken from a donor mussel. Because they do not contain a starter “bead
” tissue-nucleated freshwater pearls are 100% nacre. This gives them a beautiful luster and a durable surface that won’t flake or peel to reveal the inner bead. By contrast
pearls that are bead-nucleated and prematurely harvested often have only a thin coating of nacre that is prone to flaking and chipping. Unfortunately
pearls cannot be polished back to perfection once they’re destroyed.

Freshwater pearl-producing mussels can accept up to 50 implants at a time. They typically require 2-6 years to grow
and the finished pearl typically ranges in size from 4mm to 11mm. Larger freshwater pearls do exist
although their bigger size will likely be reflected in a bigger price tag. Approximately 60% of a typical freshwater pearl crop is made up of button pearls (flat on one side) or oval pearls. Only about 2% of the harvest is round
according to the latest information from the Gemological Institute of America. Baroque (no symmetry) and semi-baroque pearls typically make up the remainder of the crop. As with Tahitians and other pearl types
in a skilled designer’s hands
these unique pearls can be turned into extremely beautiful jewelry.

When it comes to color
the freshwater cultured pearl offers a wonderful variety. Pastels like cream
and pink are common; as well
universally flattering lavender pearls are enjoying a surge in popularity today. When deciding which color freshwater pearls to buy
keep in mind that the wearer’s skin tone should be the most important consideration. Choose a color that will flatter and not detract. Overall
freshwater pearls are more plentiful than other pearl types
thus they are usually more affordable. Your budget may allow you to choose a few different colors!

Whatever your taste or budget
there is sure to be cultured pearl jewelry that will thrill you. Choose carefully
treat them with care
and your pearls will give you a lifetime of pleasure
no matter which variety you choose.
read more “From Tahitian to South Sea and Beyond Common Pearl Types”

There's good news for those looking for a timely way to accessorize this spring.

Casio and Oceanus have teamed up with fashion and style expert Robert Verdi to showcase the hottest trends in watches from the newly launched Oceanus and Casio brands
which include G-Shock
Baby-G and Pathfinder.

Robert's "must-have" trends for the season include:

• Like it in Lilac-Brace yourselves
yummy gummy and lilac lovers-Baby-G BG169 ($79) has just the watch for your sensors; featuring a digital dial and playful
lilac resin band.

• Flashy Metallic-This spring
look out for Sweet Poison by Baby-G. MSG171D and 161C are perfect for the lady looking to add a splash of metallic and shine to her accessories.

• White Hot-Fun
clean and crisp
atomic Baby-G BG1500A ($99) will help ladies keep up with today's style rave long before Memorial Day BBQ's.

• Bold Is Beautiful-Casio's Multi-band 5 atomic-solar Pathfinder
PAW1200 ($300)
is the perfect accessory for the jet-setting man who wants it all. Five atomic signals
one watch!

• Discovering Nature-Select G-Shock timepieces feature desert or jungle camouflage and animal prints. The G314RC ($89) for men
for example
features a dark dial with sandy camouflage band and accents.

• Metro Retro-The GW056A ($130) features strong geometrical lines and a retro shape with beveled edges that channel a once futuristic '80s era.

• Nautical-Oceanus presented the world's first metal
atomic-solar chronograph watches for men. This spring
women can also look out for luxurious color combinations and functional elegance on sea or land.
read more “From metallic to lilac to atomic technology this family of watches hits all of this season s fashion trends.”

The Dan Kasoff Company first began to produce jewelry in the 1930's; however
the name Florenza was first used in 1948. The company ceased operation in 1981.

Florenza jewelry has a style and design all his own
easily identifiable. Antique looking settings give the jewelry a Victorian look. Florenza always used the highest quality materials and rhinestones.

He also used the large beautiful stones as the center piece in his designs and rhinestones an inch or larger were also common. More so than just a designer of vintage jewelry
Florenza made picture frames and trinket boxes to jeweled pillboxes and pincushions.

The Florenza mark on back of his jewelry pieces is in script with the copyright symbol or it can be found in print style
with the copyright symbol. His signature look has interesting stones and expert metal work. Antique-looking gold tone
silver tone
or metal. Most pieces are unusual
with creative use of color.

Florenza Made beautiful jeweled dresser accessories. These are also fun to find
and often re-sell well. The Florenza prices on the collectible market today is rising.

For a beginner collector of vintage jewelry
I feel that Florenza is a terrific designer to look for
at least one or two pieces. Prices are only going to climb higher and is a good investment. The best thing to do is buy sets
pieces that move or tremble
and interesting figural pieces. Look for the wide bracelets
these are sought out by many collectors.

The Dan Kasoff Company (Florenza) created a large variety of interesting
well-made pieces that have remained beautiful through the years. A beginning collector can easily find appealing Florenza designs that are also in excellent condition. Future collectors
find a piece or two that you like
that is important. You have to enjoy the piece that you purchase.
read more “Florenza - Vintage Jewelry Designer”

If you want to find affordable engagement rings that don’t look like you compromised on quality they can be found in a variety of places. You just need to know where to look and what to look for. You can put together an engagement ring that will dazzle her and appraise for much more than you paid for it.

Ways to Save Money on an Engagement Ring

There are many ways to save money on an engagement ring and yet still have it be every bit as special – maybe even more so. One of the simplest and most affordable ways is to pass along a family heirloom.

An engagement ring that once belonged to your great grandmother for instance will help to carry on the tradition of long and happy marriages. If your great grandmother’s ring is too small
you can have it resized to fit the new bride.

Taking a family heirloom and making it your own is also a way to create affordable engagement rings with your own unique touches. The diamond may have been small if it was pre-war era
so you can replace it with a larger carat ring. Antique jewelry is often a custom in both Jewish and Christian traditions. To use a vintage style ring today is more than modern; it is a real trend setter.

Another way to save money on an engagement ring and still have the high quality ring is to choose silver over gold for the setting. Ounce for ounce
sterling silver is much less expensive than gold. Many women also prefer silver jewelry to gold
so choosing ring of silver will match her other jewelry.

One more thing you can do to save money on an engagement ring is to buy the gemstone and setting separately. Often in travelling people will find inexpensive gemstones
even diamonds that are very high quality. Buying the stone
even before you have met the person you intend to give it to is thinking ahead. Then
to make the ring truly intended for your intended
pick the setting out together or surprise her with something you know she will like.

Showing Off Your Affordable Engagement Ring

Who says an engagement ring has to have diamonds in it? There are many other beautiful precious gem stones that can represent your commitment. In fact many celebrity couples don’t choose a traditional white diamond. Think of Princess Diana with her sapphire and it will get you thinking out of the box.

Sometime a large single diamond is much more expensive than smaller ones. You can compromise on size to get higher quality for the same money and vice versa. Also
the three stone diamond engagement ring has become very popular and can be a much more affordable engagement ring. Even alternating diamonds with other stones can cut costs
but not beauty.

Having found the perfect ring
it is time for a celebration! You can have an engagement party for all of your friends to celebrate having given the ring and set the date for the wedding. Make it a night full of music and song and it will be a wedding party to remember.
read more “Finding Great Affordable Engagement Rings”

Engagement presents are gifts given to the couple at any time throughout their engagement. It celebrates the next significant and important step in their relationship. Antique engagement rings also help the couple out tremendously with useful items for their new shared home or to help them on their way to a fun and memorable honeymoon and life together.
Customized Engagement Rings
One sure way to make a lasting impression is to give a customized engagement present that is designed solely for the special couple. There are several creative ideas that will be cherished forever. For example
you can have a painting made of their engagement portrait. You can create a shadow box of the flowers from all the bouquets he has given her while they were dating. Jewelers can design a special piece of jewelry for the husband to be to give his fianc้ to commemorate the official announcement to family and friends. She can then wear this on her wedding day.
Engagement Parties
Engagement parties are the perfect opportunity to give engagement gifts and let family and friends join in the celebration. Gifts given at engagement parties can include linens for their new home
useful small appliances
luggage or towels for a beach honeymoon destination.

Many couples will register at specific stores to make gift giving easier on friends and family and help them get the presents they really want and need. A gift registry will give a full list of everything the couple indicated they would like. There are presents in every price range
so the gift giver can select something appropriate within their budget.

Once someone has purchased an item from the gift registry
it is no longer on the list. This helps avoid duplicate gifts.

More and more couples are having longer engagements. Some are several years long
while others still prefer to tie the knot as soon as possible after getting engaged. It doesn’t matter how soon after the engagement the couple plans to marry
it is still appropriate to give both engagement and wedding presents. The longer the engagement however
the longer the time frame for giving engagement presents.
read more “Finding Antique Engagement Rings And Gifts”

Old antique engagement rings are those classic style rings that bring back the charm and history of an era gone by. Many couples enjoy the nostalgic feel of something their grandparents may have worn. Others simply like the idea of old-fashioned quality workmanship and styling. Whatever your reason for choosing vintage diamond engagement rings
finding the best rings at the best price is a concern.

Finding Antique Style Engagement Rings

Online auctions and the Internet in general have brought the world home. You can shop the tiniest Italian countryside village or Antwerp’s mega diamond dealers – all from your home computer.
If you like to shop closer to home where you can touch and feel the rings and try them on for size and style
then there are other great sources for vintage engagement rings. Flea markets or estate sales are two of the top sources for authentic vintage jewellery including diamond or sapphire jewelry in gold or silver.

Authenticating a Vintage Diamond Engagement Ring

Finding a vintage engagement ring is one thing
but making sure it is truly and antique is another. A reputable jewellery appraiser can help. There are telltale signs and markings on jewellery that will tell the trained appraiser when and where and by whom a specific piece of old jewellery was made. Each silversmith or artisan has a symbol that they will engrave in their work to mark it as one of their own. Counterfeiters will try to replicate the marks
but other design features will let the appraiser know if this is the case in a particular antique. The appraiser can then give you a guarantee or certificate of authenticity to go with your vintage diamond engagement ring.

The setting and the diamonds will need to be examined separately. You may find a vintage setting with newer diamonds. This won’t necessarily impact the value to you
but it would perhaps indicate that there were either several owners or that the person selling the rings as an antique may have changed stones. The number one consideration in choosing antique jewellery is to make sure you really love it. There are usually no exchanges for vintage diamond engagement rings.
read more “Finding Antique Engagement Rings”

It's been said that silver jewelry makes a person look youthful and energetic
while gold makes a person look sophisticated and mature. Hence
silver is a popular choice of the young for their adornments. It is also more practical
as it costs less than gold jewelry and is more widely available. There are more specialty shops that sell silver earrings
rings necklaces and bracelets
for example
than those that specialize in gold jewelry.

Silver jewelry has the impressive quality of being both affordable and stylish. Silver earrings are by no means "cheap" -- in fact
it is highly recommended as a complement to dark clothing
making for a very elegant and chic combination. Silver sets off dark colors and plays more on contrast
which makes for an extremely effective fashion statement. Silver jewelry and black attire is a favorite ensemble of artistes
as well as advocates of the popular "goth" movement.

All over the world
and throughout history
silver is thought of as a complement to gold. Silver as an element has been associated with the moon
while gold has been associated with the sun. The moon makes soft
mesmerizing silver ripples as it is reflected on a still lake. Its close relationship with moon imagery has made silver the color most commonly associated with dreams
fantasy and magic. Folklore has also endowed silver with special powers and healing properties.

Celebrities have also been known to patronize silver earrings. Oprah Winfrey and Sandra Bullock have sported chic chandelier-type silver pieces more than once. It is always interesting and a pleasure to behold the various styles and designs of celebrities’ silver jewelry
especially if it is worn in taste and in style.

A person who is building a collection of earrings should consider investing in a silver earring collection. In addition to being practical
the designs are immensely diverse and it doesn’t hurt to know that silver earrings are all the rage!
read more “Fashionable Silver Earrings for Anytime and All the Time”

If you have been thinking about buying or wishing for a fancy colored diamond read this article first! Colored diamonds are the next big trend in jewelry design. The spectrum of colors is as big as your imagination. Choosing what’s right for you can be overwhelming in today’s diamond market. This article will address a few important factors to consider when buying a fancy colored diamond for yourself or a loved one. Most important is knowing the differences between colored diamonds that are formed naturally and ones that are man-made.

Natural Fancy Colored Diamonds
Diamonds colored naturally are very rare and fetch very high prices. There are three ways in which colored diamonds are formed by nature. The first method is when a foreign element is introduced to the carbon material that a diamond is made from. For example
nitrogen can cause a diamond to have yellow or orange hues while boron can make it blue. The second method is when pressure compresses the carbon and creates a red
pink or purple hue. Lastly
natural radiation deep in the earth generates diamonds with colors of green or blue. Green
red and purple diamonds are considered very rare and command high prices. Indeed
there are only six naturally formed red diamonds currently in the market. One can only imagine the prices these stones will fetch. Natural fancy colored diamonds are so rare that there exist at least 10
colorless stones for each colored stone.

Synthetic or Treated Fancy Colored Diamonds
Fancy colored diamonds can also be man-made in labs. There are a variety of methods used to color diamonds. Some of these stones are purely synthetic
meaning they were totally created in a lab to simulate the properties of a real diamond. They are formed from carbon just like the real thing. However
these stones can be formed in a matter of weeks where as it takes thousands of years for natural diamonds to be formed. These type of synthetic diamonds are so similar to the real thing that only high tech equipment can detect subtle differences in the crystal formations within the stone to know they are fake.

Another man-made method to produce fancy colored diamonds involves irradiating a natural diamond that possesses an unattractive color. Irradiation is a process in which a diamond is exposed to a source of radiation that changes the position of atoms within the stone thus causing its color to change.

Treated or synthetic diamonds may look very appealing to the consumer because of the price and uniformity of color; however
these diamonds have no value to the serious buyer and have little resale value. Therefore
if you are purchasing a colored diamond for investment it is vital to obtain certification from the diamond seller. The certificate should come from a reputable laboratory and contain the origin of the stone and the natural origin of the stone’s color.

Diamond Certification and the Four C’s of Diamond Buying
Grading colored diamonds presents another set of unique issues for the buyer. Colorless diamonds are graded on the four C’s: Cut
Clarity and Color. Colored diamonds are also valued based upon the four C’s but another factor weighs most heavily on the value of a fancy colored diamond. This factor is based upon the hue and rarity of the color. Indeed a rare fancy color will garner a much higher price than a colorless diamond of many more carats. Colored diamonds have three characteristics by which they are graded. These are hue
tone and saturation. Hue refers to the dominant color of the stone
tone refers to the light within the stone and saturation refers to the intensity of the hue. Be sure to look for these factors on the diamond certificate.

Having knowledge about the differences between natural and synthetic colored diamonds will help you to choose the diamond that’s right for you. One thing is certain
in today’s marketplace jewelry designers are using fancy colored diamonds to create beautiful and unique designs that consumers want to own.
read more “Fancy Colored Diamonds Information On Natural Versus Synthetic Colored Diamonds”

Moissanite is a very affordable alternative to diamonds
one that everyone can afford. The reproduction of moissanite in a laboratory began in 1995. Created moissanite is a lab created stone that is based on the structure of natural moissanite
which is a crystal found in meterorites. Because moissanite occurs so rarely and is so small in nature in order to supply jewelry needs it is grown in labs.

Moissanites are not sold by carat size like diamonds
but are sold by size measured in millimeters. Charles & Colvard who are the sole-source manufacturer of moissanite do not allow jewelers to sell loose stones.

Laboratory created moissanite has a hardness rating of 9.25. The hardness rating of a diamond is 10. It is said that the most important characteristics of a jewel are it's beauty
durability and rarity. Some lab created moissanite stones actually have more brilliance and luster than actual diamonds. These are called optical qualities. Created moissanites are as clear or "eye clean" as SI quality diamonds. Created moissanite is able to withstand heat better than a diamond. At a temperature of 1100 degrees Celsius a diamond will catch fire
and eventually vaporize. A created moissanite stone will remain intact.

The good news about created moissanite is that some jewelers cannot tell the difference between colorless created moissanite and colorless diamonds. However
you want to make sure that what you are purchasing is actually a moissanite and not a much cheaper imitation CZ. There are lab instruments available to jewelers to help them distinguish the difference. Jewelers can use a probe called a moissanite probe or microscope and some know how to distinguish "double refraction" in moissanites.

To make sure that what you purchase is a moissanite and not a cheap imitation make sure you buy from a reputable dealer and get a written verification from this dealer. It is also suggested that you get a written verification of the stone as well as a certified appraisal.
read more “Fabulous Facts About Moissanite Stones”

She is the most important person in your life. Maybe she picks you up when you’re down
or is the mother of your children
or just cares for you unconditionally. Or maybe it’s a combination of all three. Whatever your reasons are
the truth is simple and undeniable – you are crazy about her. So why not express your love with an unbreakable diamond ring? We all know that nothing melts a woman’s heart like diamonds
but the ring you select has to be a fit to her personality and style. In this article
we’ll give you some simple tips on making sure the diamond ring you give is one that takes her breath away.

The most important (and overlooked) aspect when it comes to selecting an unbreakable diamond ring is to keep your sweetheart’s tastes in mind. Many guys want to impress their woman by “picking it out themselves”. This often leads to a scenario where she “happily” accepts the ring. She may actually be thinking that she hates it
but will feel compelled to wear it because you picked it out with love. This is one situation you definitely want to avoid – and it is so easy to do

By keeping her in mind and paying attention to her preferences
you will express your love with an unbreakable diamond ring that she will adore. For example
watch her the next time a jewelry ad comes on TV or the next time you pass a jewelry store window. Pay close attention to her reactions to certain pieces
even those being worn by other people. Make a casual comment such as “Boy
that sure looks nice” and see what kind of response it gets. Women love to give “subtle” clues when it comes to diamond rings. Unfortunately
men don’t always pick up on them.

It is also important for you to take stock of the rings she currently wears. And we’re not talking her grandmother’s antique ring that she only wears on special occasions. You want to be taking note of the diamond rings she wears on a regular basis
as these pieces will be your guide to the diamond ring you select. She wouldn’t wear something all of the time if she didn’t like it
right? So
pay close attention to the style of diamond she prefers as well as the choice of metal (white gold
yellow gold

One last key piece of information and you’ll be ready to buy. It is helpful
but not necessary
if you can somehow find out her ring size. While she is at work or running errands
you could simply take one of her rings to the jeweler and voila! – you now have that mystery solved.

These tips will help you express your love with an unbreakable diamond ring that is sure to elicit a major reaction on her end. Remember
you don’t want to be the guy who just “picked it out themselves”. You want to be the guy that picked it out perfectly.
read more “Express Your Love With An Unbreakable Diamond Ring”

Why Should I Buy Gold?
The world has been in love with gold ever since it was discovered. It is called a precious metal because it has a high economic value and is relatively scarce in relation to the level of demand for it. Gold was the standard in which the values of many currencies around the world were based until recently; because of confidence in its ability to hold it’s value over the long haul. At times of trouble
people always default to valuable portable property such as gold
diamonds and other valuable gems.

Gold has been the preferred metal for wedding rings in the west for a long time. It is very rare that couples exchange rings other than gold rings when getting married. In fact
in some Asian cultures
wealth is transferred unto the newlyweds in the form of gold jewelry.

Gold is very malleable and so has been the preferred metal for jewelers over centuries. It also does not rust or decay. If it gets dull
just applying a quick polish restores it’s luster and shine.

Gold is virtually indestructible and everlasting.

Gold keeps it’s value over time and is easily marketable
Gold is easy to work with so you will get the most beautiful jewelry made out of gold
Everybody loves gold.

What kind of Gold Should I Buy?
Before buying gold jewelry the most important thing to ask yourself is the reason why you are buying. This is important because it will help you determine how much to budget for your purchase
what quality and type of jewelry to buy and from where to buy it.

If you are only interested in buying a gold ring for fun
then you might not care too much about the quality of the ring or the supplier as long as it looks good on your finger. If
you are buying an engagement ring
an anniversary ring or a wedding ring
you had better pay more attention to the quality of the ring and the service you can expect from the supplier. A wedding ring
we hope
will be appreciated for a long time and you will want your partner to know that you put some thought into the selection of their ring. You want the perfect ring so you need to make sure that your supplier has a good return or exchange policy and that they are easily contactable.

There are different qualities and colors of gold used in jewelry. The different types of gold jewelry are determined by the metals mixed in with the pure gold
and whether the piece of jewelry is formed as a solid piece
plated or maybe hollow.

Gold Quality:
Pure gold does not rust or tarnish
and people that are allergic to some metals are rarely allergic to pure gold. However
pure gold is very soft and easily bendable. It is also very expensive. So to make it practical for jewelry that can be worn everyday it is mixed with different metals.

Gold jewelry is generally marked 18K
or 10K. The higher the Karat (k) the higher the percentage of pure gold to other metals in the jewelry.
ท 24K gold is pure gold.
ท 18K gold contains 18 parts gold and 6 parts of one or more additional metals
making it 75% gold.
ท 14K gold contains 14 parts gold and 10 parts of one or more additional metals
making it 58.3% gold.
ท 12K gold contains 12 parts gold and 12 parts of one or more additional metals
making it 50% gold.
ท 10K gold contains 10 parts gold and 14 parts of one or more additional metals
making it 41.7% gold.

10K gold is the minimum karat that can be called "gold" in the United States. A high proportion of gold Jewelry is made in 10K gold.
European Markings:
Jewelry from Europe may be marked is a different manner with numbers that indicate their percentage of gold like this:
ท 18K gold is marked 750 to indicate 75% gold
ท 14K gold is marked 585 for 58.5%
ท 12K gold is marked 417 for 41.7%

Genuine gold jewelry should have
in addition to the karat marking
a hallmark or trademark that identifies its maker. Sometimes the item's country of origin might also be included. The hallmark or country of origin may sometimes be left out in very small and delicate pieces of Jewelry.

Colors of Gold:
Pure gold is
of course
gold in color. However
gold can be made into jewelry of different and exciting colors by adding different metals to it. When other metals are added to pure gold the result is called an alloy. Any gold alloy from18K
down to 10K can still be called solid gold. Anything less that 10k is not solid gold.
White Gold: Created by adding Palladium or Nickel to pure gold.
Rose Tint Gold: Created by adding copper to pure gold.
Greenish Cast Gold: Created by adding silver to pure gold

Gold Coated Jewelry
Applying a coating of gold on lesser value metals has always been a way of producing jewelry that looks as valuable as gold but not as expensive to manufacture. This is OK as long as the buyer is aware that the piece of jewelry they are buying is not SOLID gold and as long as they are also aware of the quality of the plating.
Gold Filled Jewelry:
Gold filled jewelry is usually 14k gold heavy-layered over sterling silver. More recent gold-filled jewelry have markings that indicate how much and what type of gold was used for the layer. A marking that says 1/20 12K G.F. means that the jewelry is at least 1/20th 12K gold by weight. Gold filled jewelry generally retain their coating longer than gold plated jewelry.
Gold Plated Jewelry:
The gold layer in gold plated jewelry is usually thinner than the gold in gold-filled jewelry. This means that the goal plating usually wears away more quickly. However
all gold plating is not the same. Some will be thicker and more even than others and thus may provide you with long lasting true gold finish
sometimes comparable to gold-filled jewelry.

Dangers to Watch out for
Gold plated jewelry can provide a great deal of satisfaction and joy to the buyer as long as they know what they are buying. It is unfortunate
but there are still unscrupulous people out there that try to pass off gold plated jewelry as solid gold. The only way to protect yourself from this is to look carefully at the markings on the jewelry; observe the color; feel the weight in relation to the size of the jewelry; and most importantly
know whom you are buying your jewelry from. If you’re not sure take an expert with you when buying.

So Now You’re Ready To Take The Step
When buying gold always aim to buy solid gold if your budget allows. This will last you a lifetime
many lifetimes actually. Anything from 10k to 22k or 24K is good.
If you are allergic to nickel or other metals then you should aim to buy the higher karat gold jewelry such as 18k or 22k gold. It will cost more but you can offset this by buying a smaller piece of jewelry or by buying fewer pieces and only buying ones with higher pure gold content. Your skin is still your most important and valuable piece of jewelry and you should treat it accordingly.
Gold plated and gold-filled jewelry is great for fashion jewelry that will not be subject to heavy usage. And oh yes
try not to wear your gold plated or gold filled jewelry when washing up or using any form of detergents. Although not as valuable or durable
gold plated and gold filled jewelry are cheaper and can last for years if treated kindly.
When wearing Jewelry always remember that a confident and happy wearer can make almost any piece of Jewelry look more beautiful and valuable.

By Alexander Michaels
ฉ 2006 Alexander Michaels
read more “Expert s Quick Guide To Buying Your Perfect Gold Jewelry”
